
Monday, February 23, 2009

Self Portrait

I made this self portrait a few weeks back. I didn't actually realize it at the time, it showed up in the mail today.

What kind of camera? Oh, its not my normal Nikon. I used a RedFlex Red Fixed System (i.e. red light camera) at the intersection of Kingston Pike and Papermill ! ! !
The technique was simple. I rolled through a right turn on red .95 seconds after the light turned. Go ahead and admit wish your photography was as avante garde as my performance work here, don't you?

Do you suppose I should send it back and ask them to Photoshop out the shadow from their camera? I mean, if they are going to be in the bidness of professional photography, shouldn't they strive for quality shots? (I'm having fun here, in case you couldn't tell!)

I have to admit, it's not one of my better photographs. But if I'm going to pay $50 for it, I figured that I might as well post it to get some use out of it :)_


  1. haha Oh sorry didnt mean to laugh, just glad it happens to someone other than me! : )

  2. You know, the blues could of been a little bluer.

  3. Brandi - You laughed even though you already heard the story;) I must have retold it well!

    Sarah - I thought it was rather funny too, don't feel bad.

    EmBee - Yeah, I was thinking the saturation was a little off! On the other hand, the 7 second video clip was absolutely stunning! ha!

  4. (Chuckles) Has to beat having a siren come up behind you while your driving. Still smile your on candid camera *winks*. (Hugs)Indigo

  5. LOL thats one spendy photograph. I'm with you, tell them to photoshop out the shadow and they'll have a deal.
    I'm adding this to one more reason to continue living in Idaho. We have no such systems. The only way to get busted around here is if the cop actually sees you.

  6. You ass , you almost had me!
    I am looking. even went to get my glasses!
    Oh yeah...great shot!

  7. u said u was doing the savenger hunt... I have only 5 and it is due the end of a cool something rusty!!!!!
    how r u doing?

  8. Oh, I hate those kinds of photos!! I swear we're getting to BIG Brother just like Orwell said! Yikes! Sorry about your misfortune, but I bet you will be way more careful in the future..especially at that intersection! Blessings, Lisa

  9. I have to admit that I had to read this post twice before I understood what you meant. It's not you, it's me! I'm having one of those slow-to-catch-on-kinda days. Now that I get it, I love it! Great sense of humour you have there. It's so cool that you are able to find a funny side to the situation :D

  10. If your going to photo shop it, might as well take out your license #!

    I just stumbled across your blog and I really like your photography.

  11. Freaking law breaker! Lucky Remo didn't pull you over, because you'd certainly be up for a full body cavity search!

  12. Heh... I got a chuckle out of this. I got pulled over for the same thing.
