
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day

It's hard to believe, my first photography class starts tomorrow night! Yeah, finally.

Knox County schools were closed this morning because of a massive blizzard (err...about 1/2 inch accumulation, but there was ice). I bundled up and walked the neighborhood looking for photograph opportunities.

This shot frustrated me, I should have been more patient in framing it and focus, but I rushed the shot.This was a series of shots of the island at our neighborhood pond.I hope our neighbors didn't look out the window and wonder why someone was taking pictures of their shrubs first thing in the morning!Nardinas in our front yard. I love this plant during winter and doubly so after a snow.Finally, a few gratuitous shots of my 9 y/o son snowboarding. (More like "frozengrassboarding").


  1. : ) Love the pictures, you know. Every time you say "9yo" I cringe. I have been reading your blogs since he was five. It's making me feel OLD. : x

  2. Yep! Oh thought it was mine? Nah, that's our neighbor's across the street. They have a better yard for sledding and stuff.
